2022 EBRA 1st Quarter Members Meeting
Mon, Jan 10
CALLING ALL MEMBERS! Our 2022 first quarter Members Meeting will be January 10th at 8 pm EST over Zoom
Time & Location
Jan 10, 2022, 8:00 PM – 9:00 PM EST
About the event
CALLING ALL MEMBERS! Our first Members Meeting will be November 8th at 8 pm EST over Zoom
Attendance (10 min)
Stallion Health Reports (30 min)(Stacy)
Registration Overview (30 min)(Rebecca)
Open for Q&A (15 min)
Schedule Next Meeting
Our meetings are hosted over Zoom. If you don't have the application downloaded, don't worry it doesn't take long. You can access Zoom on your computer, tablet or phone. Click HERE to get Zoom!
Join the Meeting: Plan to log in to the meeting a few minutes early to allow time to work out any unanticipated technical challenges. Utilize a computer with a camera if at all possible. Second choice is to use the app on a phone with a camera. In this case, prop the phone on a surface, get the best reception you can and if you’re outdoors, try to not be in a windy spot. Using a phone with audio only is possible but the least desirable option because you are not afforded the benefits of the Zoom meeting features. When meeting using this technology, it is most helpful if everyone who has video, turns the video on. Hold or prop the camera up so it’s at eye level. (pointing the camera at your face from a low angle or only displaying the top of your head is usually not flattering and is distracting to others). Avoid distracting backgrounds. Headphones are helpful; you will hear and be heard more clearly. Listen with attention and speak with intention and tend to the wellbeing of the group. It is easy to get distracted when meeting remotely. Please mute when not talking. The host will also help to manage mute during the meeting to facilitate the flow of the meeting by reducing background noise. When voting is required, the host will ensure that everyone who has a vote is unmuted and a voice vote will be taken. If there is a question about the number of votes for, against or abstaining, either a poll will be created or the secretary will call out names to request the Members’ votes individually.
Meeting Ground Rules: One person will speak at a time so the person who has the floor is able to be heard by all. EBRA is committed to a culture of civility in which members may do the work of the organization in a safe and secure environment. This includes a meeting environment that is respectful, and free from any form of incivility that could interfere with the ability of the group to deliver on the mission of the organization. Forms of incivility include but are not limited to: discourteous actions, rudeness, name calling, derogatory remarks, using a condescending tone, public criticism, gossiping, lying, spreading rumours, ignoring, non-verbal innuendo, yelling, undermining activities, showing favouritism, blaming or rushing to judgment without the facts, withholding information, delayed replies, heavy sarcasm, sabotage, scapegoating, failure to respect privacy, and broken confidences. Any uncivil language or behaviour will be addressed. If after being addressed it recurs, the person will be removed from the meeting at the request of the President or by vote of the board, and the individual must leave the room.
Keep it Friendly: Healthy debate sparks new ideas and growth within organizations, therefore the EBRA encourages constructive conversations with varied points of view. The EBRA will not censor Members’ opinions, however the EBRA will not tolerate any public or private bullying, hate speech or negative language, whether directed at another Member, non-Member, this organization or any other organization. If a Member is reported for such behavior, the matter will be reviewed by the Board of Directors who may choose suspend or terminate that individual’s Membership.
10 minutesAttendance
30 minutesStallion Health Reports with Stacy Pearsall